8.28.09 People en Espanol / by Melanie Grizzel

About 6 weeks ago we shot this really fun job in Corpus Christie for People en Espanol. The subjects were contest winners. Ana had written an essay about the importance of family, so her entire family was awarded a trip to NYC to attend a Puerto Rican celebration in Central Park and a day or 2 to spend time with their family in the Big Apple. I imagine they've already been on their trip, but if you pick up a copy of People en Espanol you'll see one of these images.

I became friends on facebook with Ana and I can't wait to post her pictures. We have another big assignment coming up this next month and I am really excited about it. It's going to be meaty and challenging, and perhaps a little heart breaking. Wish me luck.
Take Good Care.

Austin Wedding Photography and Design